Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012


I like drinking a cup of coffee,but i'm not kind a girl who coffeeholic. sometimes i bought a box of coffee which is there are 5 sachets in it. yesterday my dad gave me many coffee and a cup from "GOOD DAY COFFEE". Owwhhh it was makes me happy at the time.

Usually i like bought 'good day mochaccino', and my dad gave it and also vanilla latte. I never trying vanilla latte yet before. But the taste it's not bad. Maybe if it not a coffee, if it was a milk with taste of vanilla, i don't wanna drink it. You know, 'Good Day Coffe' have a good qoute "Karena hidup banyak rasa, kopi Good Day punya banyak rasa untuk harimu".

Senin, 01 Oktober 2012

Lipbalm Maybelline

Yeah, akhirnya aku beli lagi deh lipbalm maybelline :) benernya dulu udah punya eh sayangnya baru juga beli masih 2 mingguan udah ilang aja tuh lipbalm aku..

Dulu beli tuh lipbalm di hypermart awalnya bingung mau beli lipbalm merk apa, tapi waktu aku liat maybelline akhirnya aku putusin buat beli lipbalm punya MNY deh..
Tapi neh lipbalm yang baru beli di Matahari departemen store, harganya sama kok kayak yang di Hypermart cuma 22.000 rupiah, murah kan??? hehehe...
Warna buat lipbalm nya sendiri aku liat sih ada 4 macem, tapi aku pilih yang warna cherry :) abisnya aku ga mau kalo pake warna pink ato pink agak merah gitu (tadi ada sih warna kayak gitu)...
cherry cherry cherry asiikkk besok uda bisa pake lipbalm lagi :))